The Three Wise Men Parade in Alcoy

Christmas is one of the most important moments of the year in the city of Alcoy, and the Three Kings Parade is undoubtedly the most awaited moment of these dates. Visiting Alcoy in Epiphany is something you have to do at least once in your life. Here’s why.

Would you like to know what you will find during your visit to Alcoy in Epiphany?

The Three Wise Men Parade in Alcoy has been held continuously since 1885 (although there are documents about it as early as 1866). It is, therefore, one of the oldest Epiphany parades in the world. It is also a festival that has been declared an Intangible Asset of Cultural Interest and of National Tourist Interest.

The Three Wise Men Parade in Alcoy is, without a doubt, the most magical night of the year, full of illusion and deep-rooted tradition.


On the night of 5th January, children and adults alike look forward to the arrival of Their Majesties in the streets of Alcoy. The Magi arrive in the city on their camels accompanied by their entourage, made up of musicians, shepherds, popular characters and pages, known as “els negres”, the undisputed stars of the night along with the Three Wise Men.

During the parade, while the shepherds sing and dance to the rhythm of popular Alcoy carols, the children receive their presents from the pages, who carry them up to the balconies of the houses on long red staircases, creating a beautiful and endearing image.



The most eagerly awaited moment of the parade is the Adoration in Plaça d’Espanya, where the three kings get off their camels. There, the Holy Family awaits them in the form of a living Nativity scene. It is at this moment that time stands still and while the bells ring out and the fireworks decorate the square, the Three Wise Men approach the portal to adore the Child Jesus with Handel’s “Messiah” in the background.



But Christmas in Alcoy is much more than the Three Kings Parade, not in vain does it hold the title of City of Christmas.


The first act of this Christmas trilogy is the day of “les Pastoretes”, in a festive and family atmosphere. Dozens of children and adults dress up as shepherds and parade through the streets of the centre of Alcoy dancing popular dances, accompanied by musicians, flocks of sheep and carts, to worship the Baby Jesus in the Plaça d’Espanya. This event is held on the Sunday before 5 January.




Alcoy also celebrates the arrival of Their Majesties in advance. On the 4th of January, the day before the Three Wise Men Parade, the Bando takes place at nightfall, where the Royal Ambassador arrives in the city to read the Bando, which announces that the Three Wise Men are already camped in the Serra de Mariola and that the following day they will come down to the streets of Alcoy to distribute gifts and illusions to everyone. The Ambassador is again accompanied by music and dances, shepherds and pages and, most importantly, donkeys carrying mailboxes where the children can deposit their letters to the Three Wise Men with all their wishes. This is why this day is also affectionately known as “La Burreta” day.



During the night of 4th January, the lights of the Royal Camp, where the Three Wise Men are resting, can be seen in the Preventorio. In addition, on the morning of 5th January you can visit the Royal Camp and see how Scribe, pages and other entourage work tirelessly to ensure that no one is left without a present that night.



We cannot talk about Christmas in Alcoy without mentioning its most famous and beloved character and one of the protagonists of these significant dates. El Tirisiti.

The Betlem de Tirisiti is a popular theatre of rod puppets that represents popular scenes of Alcoy tradition with some modern elements. Every year it is celebrated to herald the arrival of Christmas and is visited by thousands of people, especially children, who share an endearing moment full of laughter.



In short, Alcoy is your ideal destination to travel to for Epiphany. That is why we at Masía La Mota recommend that you visit us on these special days. Just 5 kilometres from Alcoy, you can discover the city and its Christmas tradition, the beauty of our Natural Parks and enjoy a magical stay in our hotel.



If you still have any doubts, we leave you a link so you can find out more about Christmas in Alcoy and download the Christmas brochure. Click here.

In addition, in this link you will find all the Christmas 2019-2020 programme, with all the events, activities and schedules that have been programmed by Alcoy Tourism.



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