How to get to Masia La Mota

How to get to Hotel Masía La Mota from Alicante?

Today we have all kinds of GPS devices that help guide us when it comes to getting to a certain place. But it is never too much to check beforehand on Google Maps or on the map where we want to go.
The city of Alcoy is located in the interior of the province of Alicante, Valencian Community, Spain.

To come from the south of Spain towards Alcoy you have to take the N340 which is a magnificent motorway (free of charge) and after passing Mercalicante on the right hand side you will find the exit to Alcoy.
For those coming from Alicante from the Avenida de Dénia where the Clínica Vistahermosa is located, you will also find the exit to Alcoy on the right after the petrol station for the N340.
It is only 50 km, after passing the town of Ibi and after approximately 5 km we will find the tunnels that they have called Font Roja in honour of the Natural Park, immediately on the right we take the exit Alcoy, Universidad, we will find a roundabout that leads us to Alcoy, we continue towards Alcoy, until we reach a second roundabout, we continue towards Alcoy and when we reach the entrance of the city we will find a confusion of signs.
What we have to be clear is that the park is on the left and that we have to go over the roundabout towards Polideportivo Francisco La Porta and Font Roja Natural Park.
The road is the CV797

How to get to Hotel Masía La Mota from Valencia?

If you are coming from Valencia, you have to calculate about 1:15 hours, take direction Alicante inland.

Take the south exit Alcoy-Universidad.
Be careful not to miss this exit, as you will then have to go through the tunnels which, in honour of the natural park, have been given the same name, but which do not lead to the park, but take you out of Alcoy towards Ibi.

At the first roundabout head towards Alcoy.

At the second roundabout take direction Alcoy.

At the third roundabout you have to turn right and immediately turn left and there you will find all kinds of indications for Font Roja Natural Park, Cemetery, Francisco Laporta Sports Centre, and the Alcoy Park.

It is 4.5 km along the CV 97 until you come to a sign on the right that says Masia La Mota.
From there it is 900 metres to the farmhouse and you will find a gate where there is a sign indicating that you have to take the gravel road to the right that leads to the hotel car park.









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