Do you know what we mean when we identify Masia la Mota as a sustainable hotel?
It is said of all those who are taking adequate measures today to meet the requirements of environmental sustainability.
Well, an establishment can be called sustainable when it is based on its design and management of economic, environmental, social and cultural principles; always respecting the environment and its biodiversity, in a framework of permanent ethics and contributing to improve the quality of life of all humanity, both present and future.
Masía la Mota is a premise that has taken into account since its inception and that continues and improves day by day.
We leave you a video so that you can check the rehabilitation that our hotel has suffered over the years, always taking into account the surrounding environment and trying to be as harmful as possible, since if we do not take care of ourselves, who it will?
Let us always keep in mind the respect for nature and other living beings, we can all contribute, however little it may seem, but it all adds up. Help us, we are an eco-leading hotel!