Nocturnal astronomical observation in the Font Roja Natural Park, Alcoy

The charming Hotel and Restaurant Masia La Mota in Alcoy invites you to participate in a unique activity in our natural environment. THE SCIENCE THAT HIDES THE NIGHT IN THE FONT ROJA NATURAL PARK, ALCOY, ALICANTE With the arrival of summer, we offer you a unique opportunity to discover the wonders of our Universe. Astronomical […]
Alcoy Solidarity Trail 2017
We at Masía la Mota are very pleased to announce the next edition of the Solidarity Trail city Alcoi -Saturday 8th April 2017 and will start at 08.00 hours from the Avenida País Valencià in the city of Alcoi. We are talking about an athletic event with a solidarity character, with the proceeds going […]
Guided Visits 2017 to the cave paintings of La Sarga, Alcoy
The Rock Paintings of La Sarga, in Alcoy, were discovered in 1951. This magnificent collection of prehistoric art can be found in rock shelters in the Barranc de la Cova Foradada ravine and very close to the hamlet of La Sarga. Three of the prehistoric artistic horizons of the eastern façade of the Iberian Peninsula […]
Presentation of the hotel and restaurant guide Turismo Interior Temps
-On February 15th we had the pleasure of hosting the presentation of the inland tourism guide Temps-. A guide to hotels and restaurants in the interior of the Valencia Region, a clear commitment to differentiation and tourist excellence recognised in the work carried out by the businessmen who run the accommodation that forms part of […]