Interview with Ignacio Trelis, one of the best painters in Alcoy

Ignacio Trelis, Alcoy, 1960

The digital newspaper Pagina 66 interviews one of the best contemporary artists of Alcoy painting, Ignacio Trelis, in our restaurant.

In a very pleasant interview, Trelis tells us about the great family influence with a great love and taste for art and the unconditional support of his wife to devote himself to what he is really passionate about, painting.

A great admirer of Mariano Fortuny, one of the most important painters of the 19th century.

Just this year “The Museo Nacional del Prado presents an exhibition about Mariano Fortuny y Marsal (1838-74) to which it dedicates its two most important rooms in the Museum’s extension. This is the first time that the Prado has mounted an anthological exhibition of this outstanding artist, a large number of whose masterpieces it has preserved thanks to the generous bequests of Ramón de Errazu and Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo, the painter’s son, and purchases made by the Museum itself.

As in other monographic exhibitions staged by the Prado, a review of the painter’s best work is presented. Mariano Fortuny, the Spanish artist who had the greatest international presence in the last third of the 19th century ”

If you want to know more about this artist from Alcoy, don’t miss the interview in which Ramón Requena from Pagina 66 asks the artist about various topics related to painting in Alcoy and his work.

Entrevista al pintor Ignacio Trelis, en Masía La Mota






Moments during the interview with Ignacio Trelis in Masia La Mota


From left to right: Ramón Requena, director of Pagina 66, Igancio Trelis, Indira Amaya, manager of Masia La Mota, and Gabriel



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